Lottery & Gaming Cerdit

  • The owner of a dwelling is eligible for the Lottery and Gaming Credit if the parcel is their primary residence as of January 1st of the year in which the property taxes are levied. An owner can only have the credit applied to one parcel in the State of Wisconsin.
  • The amount of the credit varies each year and is based on the school district in which your residence is located.
  • To find out if you already have a lottery and gaming credit, check your tax statement. Click here to view a sample of a tax bill that has a lottery and gamily credit.
  • To apply for the lottery and gaming credit go the Wisconsin Department of Revenue’s website at The application is quick and easy!

History of the Lottery Credit

For the history of the Lottery Credit, visit

Guide for Property Owners

The following link takes one to a booklet that provides general information about property assessment and taxation in Wisconsin. If you want additional information about your property assessment, contact your local assessor. A listing of Pierce County assessors is on our webpage.

The link to the Guide for Property Owners:

Wisconsin Homestead Credit

The Wisconsin Homestead Credit is designed to soften the impact of property taxes and rent on persons with lower income. The credit is filed with your Wisconsin Income Tax.  It is NOT administrated through the Treasurer’s Office.

For more information, follow this link: